Results for 'Abd Wafi Has'

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  1.  24
    Ijtihad sebagai alat pemecahan masalah umat Islam.Abd Wafi Has - 2013 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 8 (1).
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  2. Sayyidatī al-raʼīs: ḥiwār bayna al-muṭawwiʻah Ṣāliḥah wa-Nūrah bint al-jīrān.ʻAbd al-Hādī ʻAbd al-Ḥamīd Ṣāliḥ - 1999 - al-Kuwayt: ʻʻḤ. al-Ṣāliḥ.
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  3. al-Tawḥīd al-khāliṣ.ʻAbd al-Hālim Maḥmūd - 1973 - [al-Qāhirah]: Yuṭlabu min Dār al-Kutub al-Ḥadīthah.
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  4. Azmat al-ʻadālah.ʻAbd al-Hādī ʻAbbās - 2007 - Dimashq: Dār al-Ḥārith lil-Ṭibāʻah wa-al-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
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    al-Falsafah wa-al-tajdīd: al-taḥayyuz al-aydiyūlūjī, al-ʻalmānīyah, tashaẓẓī al-huwīyah.ʻAlī ʻAbd al-Hādī Murhij - 2021 - al-Baṣrah: Shahrayār.
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  6. Fī falsafat al-dirāsah al-ijtimāʻīyah wa-al-tarbawīyah.ʻAbd al-Qādir Hāshim Ramzī - 1999 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Yāzūrī al-ʻIlmīyah.
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  7. al-Asālīb al-Nabawīyah fī tarbīyat al-shabāb.Maḥmūd ʻAbd al-Hādī Dusūqī ʻAlī - 2012 - Makkah: Rābiṭat al-ʻĀlam al-Islāmī, al-Idārah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Iʻlām wa-al-Thaqāfah, Idārat al-Thaqāfah wa-al-Nashr.
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  8. al-Manhaj wa-mustaqbal al-falsafah al-ʻArabīyah. Hāʼ & Fayṣal ʻAbd al-Raḥmān il - 2010 - Ṣanʻāʼ: Markaz ʻAbbādī lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr.
  9. Taḥavvulāt-i ḥuqūq-i fiṭrī.ʻAbd Allāh Hādī - 1947 - [Iran],:
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    al-Dalālah al-mushtarakah.ʼAbd al-Hādī & Hānī ʻAbd al-Raḥmān - 2017 - ʻAmmān: Dār al-Maʼmūn lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    الدلالة المشتركة منهج علمي يحتوي على المنهج الصوتي يشمل و حدة اللغة من حيث البناء والمعنى.
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  11. Dialogues for the future.Ṭāhā ʻAbd al-Raḥmān - 2023 - Boston: Brill. Edited by Abdellah El Boubekri.
    Dialogues for the Future provides a sneak peek at the long philosophic journey of the renowned Arab scholar Taha Abderrahmane. The author looks at different thorny issues such as traditions, philosophy, ethics, globalization, and logic through a local prism that is not directedly tainted by the Western epistemic and ontological worldview. While seemingly addressing audiences with a background in the philosophy of language and Islamic philosophy, Taha's intellectual project tackles many questions that wider readerships might have about the Muslims' and (...)
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  12. al-Malāmiḥ al-ijtimāʻīyah fī aʻmāl ʻadad min al-falāsifah al-Muslimīn: al-Kindī, al-Fārābī, al-Ghazzālī, Ibn Bājah, Ibn Ṭufayl wa-Ibn al-Rushd.Lāhāy ʻAbd al-Ḥusayn - 2006 - Baghdād: Dār al-Shuʼūn al-Thaqāfīyah al-ʻĀmmah.
  13. al-Ḥaqq al-Islāmī fī al-ikhtilāf al-fikrī.Ṭāhā ʻAbd al-Raḥmān - 2005 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʻArabī.
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  14. Suʼāl al-akhlāq: musāhamah fī al-naqd al-akhlāqī lil-ḥadāthah al-gharbīyah.Ṭāhā ʻAbd al-Raḥmān - 2000 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ: al-Markaz al-Thaqāfī al-ʻArabī.
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    Shurūd mā baʻd al-Dahrānīyah: al-naqd al-Iʼtimānī lil-khurūj min al-akhlāq.Ṭāhā ʻAbd al-Raḥmān - 2016 - Bayrūt: al-Muʼassasah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Fikr wa-al-Ibdāʻ.
  16. Muḥāḍarāt fī al-akhlāq al-Islāmīyah.ʻAbd al-Hādī & Sayyid ʻAbd al-Tawwāb - 1983 - [Cairo]: S.A.T. ʻAbd al-Hādī.
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  17. Aʻmāl ghayr manshūrah.Abū Rīdah & Muḥammad ʻAbd al-Hādī - 2011 - al-Qāhirah: al-Hayʼah al-Miṣrīyah al-ʻĀmmah lil-Kitāb.
    al-juzʼ 1. al-Falsafah al-Islāmīyah wa-baʻḍ qaḍāyā al-falsafah -- al-juzʼ 2. al-Akhlāq wa-al-siyāsah -- al-juzʼ 3. al-Islām wa-al-ḥaḍārah -- al-juzʼ 4. al-Anā wa-al-ākhar, min mufakkirī al-Islām.
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  18. al-Qiyam wa-al-muthul al-khuluqīyah ʻinda al-ʻArab qabla al-Islām wa-ʻaṣr al-risālah: dirāsah taḥlīlīyah.Hāshim Yūnus ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Khaṭīb - 2003 - Irbid: Dār al-Kitāb al-Thaqāfī.
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  19. al-Munqidh min al-zalal fī al-ʻilm wa-al-ʻamal.Hārūn ibn ʻAbd al-Walī Marāghī - 2021 - Madīnat Naṣr, al-Qāhirah, Jumhūrīyat Miṣr al-ʻArabīyah: Dār al-Yusr. Edited by ʻAlī Muḥammad Yusrī.
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  20. Muḥyī al-Dīn Ibn ʻArabī.Ṭāhā ʻAbd al-Bāqī Surūr - 1955
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    Ṣirāṭʹhā-yi mustaqīm / ʻAbd al-Karīm Surūsh.ʻAbd al-Karīm Surūsh - 1998 - [Tehran]: Muʼassasah-ʼi Farhangī-i Ṣirāṭ.
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    Radiography image analysis using cat swarm optimized deep belief networks.Sura Khalil Abd, Mustafa Musa Jaber & Amer S. Elameer - 2021 - Journal of Intelligent Systems 31 (1):40-54.
    Radiography images are widely utilized in the health sector to recognize the patient health condition. The noise and irrelevant region information minimize the entire disease detection accuracy and computation complexity. Therefore, in this study, statistical Kolmogorov–Smirnov test has been integrated with wavelet transform to overcome the de-noising issues. Then the cat swarm-optimized deep belief network is applied to extract the features from the affected region. The optimized deep learning model reduces the feature training cost and time and improves the overall (...)
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  23. Ḥaqq al-ṭarīq fī al-Islām.Ṭāhā ʻAbd Allāh ʻAfifī - 1979 - [Cairo: [S.N.].
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    Ṭāhā ʻAbd al-Raḥmān wa-Muḥammad ʻĀbid al-Jābirī: ṣirāʻ al-mashrūʻayn ʻalá arḍ al-ḥikmah al-al-Rushdīyah.ʻAbd al-Nabī Ḥarī - 2014 - Bayrūt: al-Shabakah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Abḥāth wa-al-Nashr.
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    al-ʻAql wa-al-dīn.Hānī ʻAbd al-Wahhāb Marʻashlī - 2001 - al-Iskandarīyah: al-Maktab al-ʻIlmī lil-Nashr wa-al-Tawzīʻ.
    Afghānī, Jamāl al-Dīn, 1838-1897; views on; philosophy; rationalism; Islam and reason.
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  26. Hādhā al-kawn.ʻAbd Allāh ʻAlī Quṣaymī - 1966 - Dar Al-Katib Al-'Arabi.
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    al-Uṣūl al-ʻilmīyah lil-amr bi-al-maʻrūf wa-al-nahy ʻan al-munkar: maʻa bayān juhūd al-Mamlakah al-ʻArabīyah al-Saʻūdīyah fī hādhā al-majāl.ʻAbd al-Raḥīm ibn Muḥammad Maghdhawī - 2000 - [Medina]: al-Amānah al-ʻĀmmah li-Jāʼizat al-Madīnah al-Munawwarah.
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  28. Maktabʹhā-yi ʻirfānī dar dawrān-i Islāmī.ʻAbd al-Rafīʻ Ḥaqīqat Rafīʻ - 2004 - Tihrān: Kūmish.
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    Linguistic Responses of Abd al-Hamid al-Farahi: His Responses to Grammatical Issues as a Case Study.Hussein Ali Abd Salim & Dr Kyan Ahmed Hazem Yahya - forthcoming - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture:1419-1433.
    This research focuses on the contributions of a non-Arab scholar who has significantly impacted the study of the language of the Qur'an, the most revered and miraculous of texts. Despite its eternal wonders and the mysteries of its miraculous nature remaining untapped, the language of the Qur'an continues to be a subject of intense study. After reviewing the works of al-Farahi, I was impressed by the boldness of this non-Arab scholar in critiquing many established theories of Arabic lexicographers, morphologists, and (...)
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    Hāydigir dar Īrān: nigāhī bih zindagī, ās̲ār va andīshahʹhā-yi Sayyid Aḥmad Fardīd.Bīzhan ʻAbd al-Karīmī - 2013 - Tihrān: Muʼassasah-i Pizhūhishī-i Ḥikmat va Falsafah-i Īrān.
    Heidegger, Martin, 1889-1976- Criticism and interpretation ; Corbin, Henry, 1903-1978- Criticism and interpretation ; Fardīd, Aḥmad, 1912-1994- Criticism and interpretation.
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  31. Hādī al-ḥāʼirīn ilá rusūm akhlāq al-ʻārifīn: yunshar li-awwal marrah ʻan nuskhat al-muʼallif bi-khaṭṭihi wa-qad quriʼat ʻalayhu wa-nuskhah ukhrá manqūlah min khaṭṭihi.ʻAbd al-Wahhāb ibn Aḥmad Shaʻrānī - 2024 - ʻAmmān: Dār Fatḥ lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr.
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    al-Ittijāhāt al-mithālīyah fī al-falsafah al-ʻArabīyah al-Islāmīyah.ʻAbd Allāh Khalīfah - 2005 - Bayrūt: al-Muʼassasah al-ʻArabīyah lil-Dirāsāt wa-al-Nashr.
    Islamic philosophy; Arab philosophy; idealism.
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  33. Javānān va dastʹāvard-i madanīyatʹhā.ʻAbd al-Aḥad ʻIshratī - 2008 - Kābul: Muʼassasah-ʼi Intishārāt-i Khāvar.
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    al-Ruʼyah al-istishrāqīyah li-ʻilm al-kalām al-Islāmī ʻinda Hārī Wulfsūn.Muḥammad ʻAbd al-ʻAzīz Mashʻal - 2021 - al-Qāhirah: Markaz Iḥyāʼ lil-Buḥūth wa-al-Dirāsāt.
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    Ziarah kubur, nilai didaktis Dan rekonstruksi teori pendidikan humanistik.Abd Aziz - 2018 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 13 (1):33-61.
    As a form of da’wah, the grave pilgrimage has didactic function. Some didactic values contained in the pilgrimage of the grave are the exemplary to the charismatic figures, the transformation of remembering death as a spirit of the good deed, the building of social capital, the medium of gratitude, and of order and obedience. One of the challenges faced in Indonesian education is the rampant violence done by students and parents to teachers. This problem can not be solved only through (...)
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    Firm financial performance and sustainability reporting: the role of institutional investors' ownership.Hafizah Abd-Mutalib & Nor Atikah Shafai - 2023 - International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics 17 (2):131.
    The relationship between firm financial performance and sustainability reporting (SR) has been extensively researched previously, but with inconsistent results. By incorporating the coercive isomorphism of the institutional theory, this study examines if the relationship is moderated by the ownership of institutional investors. Using data from a sample of 270 Malaysian public listed firms, the study tested two ordinary least square (OLS) regression models. The results show that firm performance and institutional ownership have a positive link to SR. Further examination however (...)
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    Dar just va jū-yi ḥikmat: sayrī dar zindagī, ās̲ār va andīshahʹhā-yi falsafī-i Ustād Mahdī Ḥāʼirī Yazdī.ʻAbd Allāh Naṣrī - 2014 - Tihrān: Intishārāt-i Nīlūfar.
    Ḥāʼirī Yazdī, Mahdī - Criticism and interpretation ;Muslim philosophers - Iran ;Muslim scholars - Iran.
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  38. Majmūʻah mushtamilah ʻalá al-ātī bayānuh (al-awwal-- al-Badr al-ʻillāh fī kashf ghawāmiḍ al-Maqūlāt) wa-huwa sharḥ al-Shaykh ʻUmar al-mashhūr bi-Ibn al-QarahʹDāghī ʻalá risālat al-Maqūlāt li-Mullā ʻAlī al-Qiziljī ; wa-talīhi manhuwwātuh mafṣūlah bi-jadwal wa-al-matn fī ṣadr al-ṣaḥīfah ; wa-baʻda itmām mā dhukira talīhā risālat Ismāʻīl al-Kalanbawī fī ādāb al-baḥth maʻa ḥāshiyatayhā-- aḥaduhumā lil-ʻAllāmah al-Shaykh ʻUmar al-madhkūr ; wa-al-thāniyah li-Mullā ʻAbd al-Raḥmān al-Banjawīnī mafṣūlah ayḍan bi-jadwal.Maḥmūd al-Imām Manṣūrī, ʻAlī Qiziljī, ʻUmar Ibn al-Qarahʹdāghī, Gelenbevî İsmail Efendi & ʻAbd al-Raḥmān Pinjwīnī (eds.) - 1935 - [Cairo]: Maṭbaʻat al-Saʻādah.
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  39. Hākadhā takallama al-Qaṣīmī: al-baḥth ʻan al-insān.ʻAbd al-Laṭīf Ṣiddīqī - 2014 - al-Dār al-Bayḍāʼ: Afrīqiyā al-Sharq.
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  40. Bināʼ al-mafāhīm: dirāsah maʻrifīyah wa-namādhij taṭbīqīyah.Ibrāhīm al-Bayyūmī Ghānim, ʻAlī Jumʻah Muḥammad, Sayf al-Dīn ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Ismāʻīl & Ṭāhā Jābir Fayyāḍ ʻAlwānī (eds.) - 1998 - al-Qāhirah: al-Maʻhad al-ʻĀlamī lil-Fikr al-Islāmī.
  41. Falsafat Mūsá ibn Maymūn wa-athar al-fikr al-Islāmī fīhā: baḥth fī al-akhlāq wa-al-taʼwīl.ʻAbd al-Qādir Mallūk - 2024 - al-Ẓaʻāyinah, Qaṭar: al-Markaz al-ʻArabī lil-Abḥāth wa-Dirāsat al-Siyāsāt.
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  42. Hādhā ḥalāl wa-hādhā ḥarām.ʻAbd al-Qādir Aḥmad ʻAṭā - 1980 - al-Qāhirah: Dār al-Iʻtiṣām.
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  43. Marzʹhā-yi tiyūrī-i shinākht dar falsafah.ʻAbd al-Ḥayy Ilāhī - 1988 - Lāhūr, Pākistān: Mītrū Prīs.
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    Rereading Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd’s method of interpreting religious texts.Abdul Mufid, Abd Kadir Massoweang, Mujizatullah Mujizatullah, Abu Muslim & Zulkarnain Yani - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):6.
    The contemporary Qur’anic studies have been marked by amazing development. Various methods and approaches to understand the Qur’an are offered by the scholars. One of the prominent figures in this field is Nashr Hamid Abu Zayd. Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd (1943–2010 M) is a highly controversial contemporary thinker. He is an Egyptian scholar who is accused of being apostate, because of his theory of qur’anic hermeneutic (the textual of Qur’an). This is reflected in his stances towards contemporary religious discourse and (...)
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    A code of ethics proposal for Palestinians’ educators: attitudes and themes.Sahar Shweiki, Aysha Abd-Rabo, Amjad Badah, Safia Tarteer, Samira Mahmoud, Ahmad Odeh & Saida Affouneh - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (2):339-355.
    The ethical aspect of the online learning is a major priority that has to be addressed by all stakeholders in the educational field. This study sheds the light on establishing a code of ethics for the online learning based on a Palestinian vision. A content analysis was used for related literature in order to drive themes and major topics, then a qualitative approach was used to collect data to test the themes from the field. The study population consisted of 21 (...)
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  46. al-Ittijāhāt al-muʻāṣirah fī al-falsafah.ʻAbd al-Fattāḥ Dīdī - 1966
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  47. al-Maʻná wa-balāghat al-taʼwīl fī muʼallafāt al-Ghazzālī: al-khiṭāb bayna irhāq al-ʻilm al-kullī wa-ikrāhāt al-tārīkh.ʼAbd al-Majīd ʻAṭwānī - 2014 - Tūnis: al-Dār al-Tūnisīyah lil-Kitāb.
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    The Nature of Science and Science Education: A Bibliography.Randy Bell, Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, Norman G. Lederman, William F. Mccomas & Michael R. Matthews - 2001 - Science & Education 10 (1):187-204.
    Research on the nature of science and science education enjoys a longhistory, with its origins in Ernst Mach's work in the late nineteenthcentury and John Dewey's at the beginning of the twentieth century.As early as 1909 the Central Association for Science and MathematicsTeachers published an article – ‘A Consideration of the Principles thatShould Determine the Courses in Biology in Secondary Schools’ – inSchool Science and Mathematics that reflected foundational concernsabout science and how school curricula should be informed by them. Sincethen (...)
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    Constructivism: Defense or a Continual Critical Appraisal A Response to Gil-Pérez et al.Mansoor Niaz, Fouad Abd-El-Khalick, Alicia Benarroch, Liberato Cardellini, Carlos E. Laburú, Nicolás Marín, Luis A. Montes, Robert Nola, Yuri Orlik, Lawrence C. Scharmann, Chin-Chung Tsai & Georgios Tsaparlis - 2003 - Science & Education 12 (8):787-797.
    This commentary is a critical appraisal of Gil-Pérez et al.'s (2002) conceptualization of constructivism. It is argued that the following aspects of their presentation are problematic: (a) Although the role of controversy is recognized, the authors implicitly subscribe to a Kuhnian perspective of `normal' science; (b) Authors fail to recognize the importance of von Glasersfeld's contribution to the understanding of constructivism in science education; (c) The fact that it is not possible to implement a constructivist pedagogy without a constructivist epistemology (...)
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    Egyptian mothers’ preferences regarding how physicians break bad news about their child’s disability: A structured verbal questionnaire.Khalil A. Abd Elhamed & Ahmed Mahmoud Abdelmoktader - 2012 - BMC Medical Ethics 13 (1).
    BackgroundBreaking bad news to mothers whose children has disability is an important role of physicians. There has been considerable speculation about the inevitability of parental dissatisfaction with how they are informed of their child’s disability. Egyptian mothers’ preferences for how to be told the bad news about their child’s disability has not been investigated adequately. The objective of this study was to elicit Egyptian mothers’ preferences for how to be told the bad news about their child’s disability.MethodsMothers of 100 infants (...)
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